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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pet Care With Home Remedies

    Does the idea of spending massive amounts of
money on the medications that your pet needs leave you with a bad feeling? This
occurs quite frequently, but sadly, your pet cannot tell you how they are
actually feeling. In order to get the biggest benefit possible you need to be
well aware of all of the details pertaining to a home remedy for your pet to
ensure that they are safe, no matter what you are trying to do. With a bit of
research put into finding the best home remedies you are certain to find some
results that are highly effective, yet much friendlier for your wallet.

    One of the biggest problems that strikes pets is fleas. These
little pests are extremely difficult to get rid of once you have them, but as
miserable as they make you it is worse for your pet. A cheap way to rid your pet
of fleas and have them smell great with no greasy feel is to use Pert Plus
shampoo. This is actually a remedy that is highly recommended by groups such as
Greyhound rescues since so many flea treatments are actually toxic to the breed.
Using the shampoo to bathe your pet not only keeps them smelling great, but it
is wonderful for their skin as well. With affordable prices, you can give weekly
baths to keep them looking great without hurting your wallet, or potentially
overdosing them on the treatment.

    If you suspect that your pet has dirty ears that need to be
cleaned thoroughly cleaned reaching for the vinegar is a safe and cheap cleaner
that you can use. Carefully using the solution and thoroughly drying the ear
after cleaning will help to clean your pet's ear and also reduce the chances of
an actual infection. However, if your pet does develop an actual ear infection
then you can treat the infection using natural remedies such as Marigold and
even Tea Tree oil. By inserting small amounts of the oil into the ear it is
effective in killing the bacteria that causes the infection.

    Other remedies that can be used is looking to Rosemary
extracts to help build up the immunity of the ear. If the ear has a very weak
dermal layer, it is much more likely to fail against an infection. A strong ear
that is well protected, clean, and includes a sufficient dermal layer will hold
up much better against ear infections and reduce the number of vet trips that
you will need to make.

    Another common problem that animals tend to have is their
nails grow quite excessively. If the nails on your pet are quite long and you
cut them slightly too far back you run the risk of them bleeding. To stop the
bleeding and help soothe the nail you can apply a small amount of baby powder to
the nail that was cut to the quick. This is extremely effective to help stop the
bleeding and prevent the nail from becoming infected. If you leave the nail
exposed without any protection, you will find it much easier to allow infection

    A small bit of effort will allow you to ensure you are able
to protect your pet from any undue pain or difficulty. A small bit of prevention
is often essential to preventing the majority of problems for your pet, but at
times, this is not always possible. If you suspect that your pet has a serious
problem it is best to seek the advice of a vet who can determine the best
treatment plan for your beloved pet. Never continue with a home remedy if it
seems to be causing your pet additional problems.

    With affordably priced home remedies easily available, you
will typically find that getting the perfect home remedy for your pet is quite
possible. There is no reason to worry that you will not be able to use a home
remedy for your pet. There are plenty of great options that you can use to keep
your pet happy and healthy.


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