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Friday, May 13, 2011

Temperature Tips for Your Chicken Coop

Temperature Tips for Your Chicken Coop
Keeping the Chicks Comfortable
If your intention is to keep chickens to raise them instead of just for their eggs, then you must know how to ensure that the temperature of the coop is suitable for the chicks. Baby chicks need their environment to be hot when they are first hatched. This is the reason why hens sit on their chicks initially for 48 hours, to keep them warm. Out in the wilderness, hens sit on their chicks till they have grown enough feathers for them to cope with normal temperatures.
If you are raising your chicks in a specific environment, then you must ensure that the temperature remains warm enough for them. The simplest solution for this is to install heat lamps when the chicks are kept. For the initial week, the chicks need the temperature to be roughly 95 degrees Fahrenheit. After that, you can decrease the temperature by roughly 5 degrees Fahrenheit each week, till the chicks are six weeks old. By this time, the chicks should have enough feathers to be able to go outside into the area where the rest of the chickens are. However, this may not be the case if you live someplace that is exceptionally chilly.
Fully Matured Chickens
When the chickens have matured fully, they prefer temperatures which are neither too hot nor very cold. To make certain that your chickens remain comfortable throughout the year, you should construct a properly ventilated coop that has efficient air circulation. If the climate of your area is cold, you might want to add some insulation in the walls to keep your chickens warm. Remember that if your chickens feel too cold, they will not lay as many eggs as they normally would.
During warm seasons, make sure that your chickens are completely comfortable. These birds tend to fall ill in humid climates, and you want to avoid that. When you are designing the coop, add a door that faces the direction when wind usually flows from, and add vents at high places in the walls. The windows should be adjustable so that you can open and close them suitable during warm and cold months.
Lastly, you can also invest in artificially maintaining the temperature inside the chicken coop. there are many unit s available in the market for you to choose from. However, make sure that the wiring is completely concealed as you definitely want to avoid the consequences of open wiring.
Author Resource:- For more great tips and advice on chicken coops, visit

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The Buttercup Chicken Is Interesting And Beautiful

The buttercup chicken, also known as the Sicilian Buttercup, was developed in the 1800's in Sicily. It is reported that one female and one male were imported to the US later in that century and today's line remain the direct descendants of the original couple. This line of chicken is rare, beautiful and exhibition worthy, a life-long layer and a pretty good pet.

Their eggs are few and small but the Buttercup hen is a dependable layer. All experts do not agree, however, about this breed as a pet. Some experts recommend it as a pet because of its curiosity and friendliness.

Some propose that although it is friendly, it also a good flier, and so, enjoys its independence too much to be kept as a pet. A third group of experts believe that the Buttercup avoids human contact completely. They all agree, however, that baby chicks can be trained to enjoy interaction with humans.

Current reports state that the number of baby chicks is limited but can be purchased online from several hatcheries. Owners and experts agree that males are the friendlier of the breed. For the most part, Buttercups do not like confinement but will enjoy human contact when other conditions are suitably met such as outdoor places to roam and fly in addition to a warm habitat for resting and nesting.

A warm coop will protect this bird's unique comb from frostbite and the comb is very sensitive to cold. It is specifically because of its unique crown-like shaped comb and its golden-toned feathers that the breed has acquired its name.

Its golden feathers and stunning crown make the buttercup chicken an attractive bird and therefore renders it as a definite prize-winner at exhibitions. The variety was admitted to the "American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection" in 1918. The hen has lovely brown spots or "spangles" in long rows running along golden or amber colored feathers. The males sport dark green tails and their feathers range from dark orange to golden-red spotted with black "spangles".

Hens mature early and start laying by the time they reach 5 months of age. They are not extremely productive but average approximately 2 eggs a week and lay their whole life. Some controversy exists also around the eggs' appearance. There is claim that the eggs are always white and small. Others insist that they will have a slight hew or tint to them.

It might seem odd, to some, think of chickens as pets. Granted, even the name, chicken, tickles the funny bone and many people will find the thought of it funny. However, chickens are a good choice as a pet if they are given adequate living quarters and sufficient area outdoors where they can fly, lay in the sun, walk, peck and scratch. They are definitely not the sort to be confined indoors.

Buttercup chickens are entertaining and engaging and may even learn to sit in a person's lap. Baby chicks which are hand-raised will respond to the call of their name, will allow someone to stroke them and may even eat out of someone's hand. Pet chickens will respond well when rewarded with food and positive reinforcement.

When raised from chicks in a clean, warm, habitat, buttercup chickens would be an interesting and fun pet. Given that their laying output is approximately two eggs weekly, it wouldn't be wise to seek this breed for this type of food source. Like any pet, a buttercup chicken will be entertaining, beautiful to look admire, good company and at the very least, an unconventional conversation piece.
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Best Deals On Birdcages Online

A cozy, secure, clear cage is the ideal matter you can do for your bird. Setting up the ideal natural environment for your bird will not only make your bird content, it will make it much easier for you to preserve the bird cage. Here are some goods you will need for the great house.

Cage liners and litter will make your life a small less difficult. You want to be able to clear out your bird cage very easily and rapidly. Which variety you use is private preference. Some proprietors like liners given that they can be peeled away and replaced fast. Other people favor to scoop litter out of the tray at the bottom of the cage. If you use litter, make confident you uncover a dust free selection and change it each and every 3 days.

Cups are for meals and drinking water and are generally your bird's dishes. Discover cups that are dishwasher risk-free and uncomplicated to lift out. Also, use cups that have bolts or hooks outdoors the cage to avert your bird from chewing on them. Cup shields are meant to maintain seed messes inside the cage as an alternative of flung outside. Make sure you clear food and drinking water cups each day to keep your bird cage clear and sanitary.

Cage wipes are excellent for rapid spills, dropping mishaps or other cage messes. Not only do they make the cage more comfortable for your bird, it helps make it visually eye-catching and keeps odors at bay.

Even however you know your bird is safe and safe in their bird cage, your bird may not often feel that way. In the wild, your bird would use dense leaves or undergrowth to hide. You require to develop related places in your bird's cage. You can add tent like bird beds, nests or nest boxes to the bird cage. You can also add actual tree branches for larger birds. One more choice is merely use the cage cover to cover only part of the cage. All of these selections will give your bird a location to duck and conceal if he or she requirements a retreat.

NESTING Products
Its obvious, but birds want to construct nests! Your bird may do this on a seasonal basis. In the wild, they have access to a extensive assortment of different supplies when your bird is all set to nest. Devoid of these supplies, you may recognize your bird is shredding the paper lining from the floor of the cage or even plucking out her personal feathers. When this takes place, give her nesting material to assemble her cozy nest. Your bird will get a cozy nest and you have much less mess to clean up.

CAGE Covers
At evening, birds want a dark, quiet area to rest. A cage cover is the ideal way to shield out light and anything you or your family could be doing that would be a distraction. Cage addresses also assist keep your bird cage warm in colder months. As noted formerly, cage addresses can also be applied to offer a hideout, so they have various features. Numerous bird owners just use a sheet to cover their bird cage. Nonetheless you can also buy addresses produced especially for bird cages. These are also more desirable than just using an previous sheet.

As with other equipment, perches replicate your bird's natural surroundings in the wild. Perches act as tree branches where birds perch outside. Irregular surface aid your bird exercise and different textures can aid hold nails trimmed. Ideally, a cage has a range of perches with distinct dimensions and diameters so your bird has a assortment of locations to perch.

Birds also want to maintain active in their cages to protect against boredom. A selection of unique toys is a great way to hold your bird or birds occupied. Sisal, wicker and woven palm are all components birds would locate in the wild and appreciate to play with. Make confident you don't put as well many toys in the cage at 1 time. You don't want it so crowded that your bird brushes the sides of the cage though shifting all-around. This leads to feather injury. Also, rotate toys weekly. This will hold your bird interested and assist you discover which toys they like very best.

These are points you need to retain in brain when buying for a bird cage and when setting it up. This is your bird's household, so you want to make it as comfy, pleasant and inviting as possible. It will also be a significant piece of furniture in your home if placed in the right location. Setting it up ideal and delivering the proper accessories will make upkeep easy for you and a fabulous home for your bird.
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Bird Food: Which Ones to Feed Your Pet

In the olden days, parrot food consisted solely of seeds. This genuinely is so thinking about seed merchandise are believed to contain the majority of vitamins and minerals that are important for bird improvement. Seeds are usually the most widespread element in a bird's diet plan program. The commercially manufactured ones frequently may have the balance and numerous kinds that a typical bird will want. But these occasions, seeds aren't the sole ones that are getting offered to these parrots. Pet owners have turn out to be much more capable and alert to the many outcomes of diverse food to their feathered friends. In addition to seeds, there is also the pellet. Some may possibly declare that pellets are actually healthier for a bird's food plan than seeds. This is since with pellets, the bird can eat the entire nugget that delivers an advanced level of nourishment. Compared to the seed which typically leaves the hull behind, the pellet is perfectly edible and thus there isn't any waste material that comes about along the way.

Another food choice that bird breeders have is normally to go natural and natural. What ever this comprises is supplying food stuff that is organic or fresh or homemade. Sorts of these can be pasta, veggies, fruits plus some vitamin solutions and mineral add ons. But bird breeders have to usually bear in mind that just prior to supplying their bird any of these or choosing this sort of consuming plan, an general consultation with a veterinarian ought to be accomplished 1st. A veterinarian can help establish which mix of an assortment of food would have the right amount and correct sort of nutritional worth the pet bird ought to have.

Let's speak about table food. This unique "human food" is pretty effectively-known with regards to a parrot's optional diet plan program. However there could be some type of table food that could not be helpful for them. This might consist of these that are too salty or if the size is not appropriate for the bird. Bird owners ought to retain in mind that food sizes need to be modest particularly if supplying nuts. A rationale that this sort of feeding is taken into account is for variation. Birds do get weary if they consume the identical point repeatedly. This is not to take into account that they may possibly not be finding the diverse nutrients that they may have from those identical food. This is what demands to be noted when giving this kind of parrot food and must generally have the go signal from a veterinarian.

Even though there are recommended food there are also sorts of food that flash the red light in relation to taking superior care of your parrots. Some varieties of food to steer clear of would be these that contain a lot of sodium or too a lot sugar. Those with alcohol and caffeine must also be avoided. Garlic and onions are not that advisable too. Curry powder is a no-no. Mushrooms are not that great of an idea also as there may possibly be fungus that could be damaging to your pet's wellness. As very well as leaves that are obtained in tomatoes. Avocados in their entirety are also unhealthy for your bird as they can lead to cardiac arrest. Steer clear also from plants such as amaryllis, shamrock, azaleas, lantana, and daffodil amongst a excellent quite a few other people. These forms of plants may bring different sorts of wellbeing problems that can range from gastrointestinal difficulties to depression.

It would somehow necessitate some effort in selecting out which parrot food to feed your pet bird. Nonetheless just do bear in thoughts that what is beneficial to you could also be wholesome for him but take into account so when you have got the permission of the veterinarian. You would know that you are performing an admirable job at taking care of your pet if his feathers are glistening, his beak is sleek and sturdy, his stool is effectively formed and his eyes are clear

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fish Tank Aquarium Water Chemistry

To maintain your fish tank aquarium and enjoy your fish keeping and ensure that your fish and plants thrive it's a good idea to know something about water chemistry and how it applies to your hobby. You should have a good water test kit to help in keeping the tank in balance which should include the following tests.


Chlorine and chloramine






Ammonia - fish produce ammonia as a waste product. It is poisonous and a build up will harm the fish. During the cycling of a new fish tank bacteria are encouraged to grow that convert the ammonia, first to nitrites and then to much less harmful nitrates. Ideally ammonia level should always be zero.

Chlorine and chloramine - Chlorine is used as a tap water disinfectant and needs to be removed before adding tap water to the fish tank. Leaving a bucket of water for 2 days will allow chlorine to evaporate. Chloramine is used in some areas as a water disinfectant and cannot be removed this way. You will need to buy a water treatment chemical specially made for fish tanks to remove chloramine.

Copper - Copper is harmful to fish and invertebrates and can be present in tap water where it can enter the water you have older pipes. It is also present in many fish medications.

Nitrates - Nitrates are only harmful to the fish at high levels and are produced by the nitrifying bacteria from nitrites which are harmful at much lower levels. The only way to lower the nitrate levels to below the acceptable 20ppm in your fish tank is to do regular partial water changes.

Nitrites - are poisonous and are produced by bacteria from the ammonia excreted by fish. They are then converted to the less harmful nitrates. The nitrite levels in a well cycled fish tank should be zero.

pH - is a measure of the acidity of the water. A neutral solution will have a pH of 7, an acid solution less than 7, a basic solution more than 7. Although different fish prefer different pH levels most fish will be fine over a wide pH range. Some fish prefer a pH as high as 8.5, some as low as 5.5. Unless you have fish with these extreme requirements there is usually no need to adjust the pH of the water.

Phosphate - this chemical can be present in fish food, tap water or from decaying plant material. It is a fertiliser for plants and can cause an algae bloom if the levels are too high. Regular water changes should keep the phosphate at an acceptable level.

Salinity - the concentration of sodium chloride in the water is important if you have a salt water tank and can be measured using a hydrometer.

Hardness - dissolved minerals in the water contribute to the hardness. The main minerals present in tap water that cause hardness are magnesium and calcium and these will be present to a greater extent if you live in a hard water area. It is not really an issue for freshwater tanks unless you live in an area where the water is very soft. For saltwater tanks it is more important as some invertebrates and live corals need these minerals to grow

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Tips For Choosing An Aquarium

There is a wide range of sizes and shapes of aquariums as well as a choice of glass or acrylic aquariums, so how do you choose the best aquarium for your home and for the fish you intend to keep? We have put together a guide to help you to choose the perfect aquarium.

Where to Locate Your Aquarium

The first thing to decide before you make a purchase is the location for your new aquarium. You must take account of the final weight of the aquarium when filled with water if you intend to place it on a shelf or table. A twenty gallon tank, once filled, will weigh about two hundred pounds! Do you need a stand or a specially designed cabinet?

Aquarium Size

Aquariums for the home come in a huge range of sizes from tiny glass bowls to huge five hundred gallon tanks. You will want an aquarium that is the right size for your home and for your fish. The first thing to consider is the location you intend for the aquarium. Measure the area to ensure the aquarium you choose will fit.

One thing to consider is that a bigger aquarium requires less maintenance. Small aquariums are much harder to keep the water balance correct, are easy to overcrowd and rotting food or vegetation can have an immediate affect on the health of the fish. A good size for a beginner is between twenty and thirty gallons. Decide how many fish you wish to keep. Very roughly you can keep one inch of fish to every gallon of water, but remember this is a rough estimate and a lot will depend on the type of fish and how well maintained the aquarium is. Always understock a tank rather than overstock!

The best way to choose the size of the tank is to purchase the biggest tank within your budget that will fit comfortably in the location you have chosen.

Aquarium Shapes

Since the introduction of acrylic aquarium, different shapes have been added to the traditional rectangular shape including cylinder, hexagon and round aquariums. There are also aquariums designed to be wall mounted and coffe table aquariums. Despite all these innovative designs the rectangular aquarium is still the best as the the area of water surface compared to the water volume is large which is important for allowing the exchange of gases with the air. Other shapes, with a smaller surface area compared to water volume, will often need more frequent water changes and more maintenance.

Do You Need a Glass or Acrylic Aquariums?

Both materials for aquariums have their advantages and disadvantages. The traditional glass aquarium is heavy and can spring leaks at the seams. Leaks are easy to fix however and usually only occur in an older aquarium. They are usually cheaper than acrylic aquariums. They only come in rectangular or square shapes.

The newer acrylic aquariums are lighter than glass and come in all sorts of innovative shapes. They rarely spring leaks as there are no seams. They are more expensive than glass aquariums but generally last longer. They are easy to scratch however so never clean with any kind of abrasive chemical or other chemicals which can fog the glass. Acrylic aquariums used to yellow with age but the newer materials stay clear throughout their lifetime.


Acrylic Aquariums : long lasting, leak free, innovative shapes

Glass Aquariums : Cheap


Acrylic Aquariums : expensive, easily scratched

Glass Aquariums : Heavy, tend to spring leaks

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Aquarium Fish Deaths - Some Causes And Remedies

You've set up your aquarium, added some fish and are looking forward to enjoying your new hobby. everything looks fine for a while then slowly the water becomes cloudy, or the fish start to die or algae overtake the tank. What did you do wrong? More importantly what can you do to achieve that sparkling tank with healthy fish that you see in all the pictures?

The first thing not to do is panic and rush to the nearest pet shop, buy a load of chemical treatments and dump them in the tank! This will, in all probability, only make things worse. Another thing people new to the hobby tend to do is completely clean out the tank and start again. This is again the wrong thing to do as any beneficial bacteria that you have succeeded in growing in your tank will be removed and you will have to start all over again. You need to understand some basic facts about your hobby first then apply some sensible methods to cure the problems.

We have put together some frequent causes of fish deaths and other aquarium problems with our recommended cures.

Toxic Chemical Build Up

Fish can die for a number of causes but the most common is a build up of toxic ammonia, nitrites and less often nitrates. Ammonia is a waste product of the fish and if left in the tank will cause harm to the fish. Bacteria in the tank convert the ammonia to nitrites, which are also toxic, but then to the much less toxic nitrates. The bacteria are encouraged to grow when you cycled the new tank. You did cycle the tank correctly? If you added too many fish before the tank was cycled this will inevitably lead to build up of these chemicals and could easily be the reason the fish are dying.

Bullying Fish

Some types of fish are peaceful when young but grow into bullies that can hound other fish to death. Tiger barbs are notorious for being bullies. Did you notice that they are always kept in a separate tank in the pet shop? The only way to stop the bullying is to take out the offending fish, give them away or give them their own aquarium!

Infrequent Water Changes

Partial water changes are necessary to remove a build up of nitrates. Although nitrates are much less toxic to the fish than nitrites or ammonia the levels can build up over time until a toxic level is reached. Partial water changes are the only way ro remove nitrates from your aquarium.

Adding Water Contaminated with Chlorine or Chloramines

Tap water is treated with either chlorine or chlorine and chloramines. Chlorine is easily removed by allowing the water to stand for a day or two but chloramines cannot be removed this way. If your local water authority uses chloramine you will need to purchase a water treatment chemical to remove it before you add the water to your tank.


A major cause of problems, especially in beginner fish keepers. Food left over stays on the bottom of the tank and begins to decay producing chemicals toxic to the fish, This is especially likely to happen in a small aquarium. Overfeeding can also lead to death as the fish, not having a mechanisms to tell them when they are full, can eat until a swollen stomach causes death.


If possible test the water for nitrites and ammonia. These levels should always be zero. If they are not perform a partial water change of about 20%. A good rule is to do a 10% water change weekly and a 30% water change monthly. if your problems are due to a build up of toxic chemicals this should improve the situation dramatically.

Never add any more food to the tank than the fish can eat in three minutes. If you suspect overfeeding use a syphon to clean the gravel and do a partial water change as above.

If overcrowding is a problem give away some of the fish or give them a new
aquarium home

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Helpful Pup Crates for Frequently Traveling People

Having this trouble of moving your so beautiful puppies with you every time you wish to go at the beach, go to the park and also going to an event where animals are allowed to go with you or everywhere you wish to travel? Well, you should not worry any more for there are the so-called puppy crates. This thing enables you to carry your pets when traveling and would stop you from having this trouble to carry and in addition to manage your pets. These also give you the arrogance of the protection of your cute pups without your supervision. There are several types of pup crates. It could be a wire, airplane puppy or polyester and wooden enclosure.

    If you'd like that your puppy could be visible from the sight
as well as from others sight, you will surely have the wire crate. This kind of crate is perfectly ventilated and because this sort is made of wire, they have a long-lasting life. This is really a good choice if you have a very cute puppy and you wish that the people will see its cuteness.

    Airplane puppy crate is made up of plastic and has hard walls and ceiling, this is generally use in case you are traveling on the plane. This type is giving you the assurance for the protection of your dog because of it structure. It also gives you the assurance of controlling your dog in a tour especially in an aircraft. Needless to say you can sleep well in your journey with no the fear about what would occur to your pet since this kind is powerful and hard.

    Polyester crate is somehow similar to the latter mentioned, this is also made up of solid walls and ceiling but they have this variance. Most travelers choose to use this kind because of its light weight. Which means that it is easy to carry anywhere and you will not worry about the burden that a not so light crate would be giving to you if you are using one. This provides you the convenience of moving your pet as well.

    A heart warming gratitude to one who invented these items for these are of great help for the travelers who don't want their pets to be left at home whenever they might travel. Most of them are the type of pet owners that are extremely attached into their animals. So there isn't a point of worrying about your little funny dogs. You may certainly bring them wherever you could go with no the effort of carrying them. You might have it with a number of colors that could suits your taste and color which is fitted for the pet if you are the type of owner that wants your pet to look good even within those crates

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Freshwater Aquariums Galore!

Keeping fishes inside your home is such a pleasure. Nothing is more fun than looking at the fishes swimming freely on the tank with no worries at all. The sight seems to calm your nerves and changes your bad mood. However, there is a big difference when you just buy a complete set of freshwater aquarium than making or setting up your own. Although it will eat your time and take some of you energy, the result will indeed be rewarding. Thus, instead of going straight to the pet store and paying for your ready made freshwater aquarium, why not read these tips which will tell you how enjoyable it would be to do it yourself?

First, you must make sure that you want a tank in your own home. Choose a good spot, one which is not busy so that you will not end up with shattered glasses in your floor. Then, you must make a list of the things which you need to buy. With regards to the type of tank, you have a choice between a glass and an acrylic one. The traditional glass tank can already satisfy a simple freshwater aquarium. The size must be proportionate with the number or fishes which you want to keep. The list must contain the light bulb, the substrates, a heater, a filtrating system or tool, a background and some live plants. Lastly of course, you must already be sure of what kind of fish you would want to live in your freshwater aquarium.

The tank must be cleaned thoroughly using water. Actually there are many fish keepers who say that tap water should not be used since there is a big chance that harmful elements may remain on it. However, the big no-no should be using etergent soaps or other harmful cleaning solutions which will pose a threat to the fish health.

Then, you can start by adding the substrates. The substrates are also very necessary matter in setting up your own tank. The substrates can be gravel or sand depending on the suitable type for your fishes. They must be placed on the bottom of the tank and must be spread in a right level. Avoid using colourful substrates for paint may peel off from these colroful gravels and pebbles.

Set up the heater, the bulb and the filter. The filter will keep the water clean and free from harmful elements. The heater on the other hand will keep the temperature stable on the tank. Light is also necessary for the whole being of the fishes. There are filters which can be put outside of the tank while there are others which can be placed inside. The latter however tends to eat space.

Arrange the live plants in a symmetric manner. There are patterns such as concave, triangle and convex for your live plants. You can always look for beautiful great tips on what they call "aquascaping".

Lastly, the rest all boils down to your ability and skill to care for the fishes which you have chosen. Great fishes include those of the Cichlid and Koi family.

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